Pimalai Resort and Spa

Complimentary Spa Classes


If you enjoy massages at Pimalai Spa, you must not miss our three weekly complimentary classes. You can either learn Pimalai’s massage techniques or make your own aromatic herbal pouch and bring it back home. The best way to bring memorable experiences from Pimalai Spa back to your home.

The Art of Traditional Thai Massage

Every Monday

02:00 – 03:00 PM.

Learn various teniques of traditional Thai massage.

A blend of deep tissue massage using pressure points, pulling and twisting techniques.

These techniques will stimulate the blood circulation, release tension and fulfil all your senses.

Meet at the Spa 5 minutes before the session.

Book directly at the spa 1 day before class.

Maximum 4 persons at one time.

The making of small Aromatic Herbal Pouch

Every Wednesday

02:00 – 03:00 PM.

Herbs have been used in everyday life throughout the centuries with cooking, medicine and more. 

Join us to discover the Thai herbs and learn how to use them for your own benefit and improve your everyday life. Learn how to do a small aromatic herbal pouch and the use you can make of it.

Meet at the Spa 5 minutes before the session.

Book directly at the spa 1 day before class.

Maximum 4 persons at one time.

The Art of Neck & Shoulder Massage

Every Wednesday

02:00 – 03:00 PM.

Sitting on a plane or in front of a computer for too long?

Neck and shoulder massage would help you to relief the tensions.

A medium to strong massage is applied for relieving tension in the back muscles, shoulder and neck; a menthol based lotion is used to stimulate tired and sore muscles.

Meet at the Spa 5 minutes before the session.

Book directly at the spa 1 day before class.

Maximum 4 persons at one time.